Voice Disorders - Diagnosis and Treatment

In our clinic we provide clinical and acoustic voice assessments. The laryngeal endoscopic imaging exams (e.g., videostroboscopy) are completed by outside medical providers (i.e., ENTs).

Voice evaluation at our clinic

Before initiation of voice treatment, each patient undergoes a comprehensive clinical and acoustic voice evaluation at our clinic. 

  • Voice history interview
  • Perceptual analysis of voice quality, voice production, resonance strategies and voice range profile examination
  • Acoustic measurements of voice signal
  • Manual assessment of larynx and laryngeal suspension system
Professionell und freundlich!
Anna Glukova, hat mir mit meiner Stimme geholfen. Ich bin Saenger und habe Spannungen im Halsbereich gehabt was meine Stimmqualitaet sehr beintraechtigt hat. Anna hat mir spezifische Uebungen gegeben und nach wenigen Behandlungen war meine Stimme wieder perfekt.
Andreas B.

Voice therapy at our clinic

The following treatments are available in our clinic to help patients with voice problems of various etiologies.

  • Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy is a specific type of voice therapy developed by Dr. Kitti Verdolini Abbott. It is a version of a general class of therapies called “Resonant Voice Therapy”, that has proved to be effective for the individuals with voice problems due to voice use.


  • LSVT (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment) is an effective speech treatment for people with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions.


  • Myofascial Release is one style of manual therapy that uses slow, still, prolonged stretching through clothing or directly on the skin to facilitate change in the patient. It can be used for individuals with voice and swallowing problems resulting from head/neck cancer, various dysphagia, dysarthria, trismus/TMJ disorders.


  • Laryngeal Manipulation (Jacob Lieberman)

Why choose us?

  • Individualized approach to patient’s care
  • Intensive treatment
  • Innovative and evidence-based treatment modalities
  • Collaboration with other medical professionals (doctors, nutritionists, occupational and physical therapists)

About us

In our practice, we strive to provide effective solutions to swallowing and communication difficulties that affect your quality of life. Our goal is to provide personalized treatment that takes into account your needs and preferences and is based on current research findings relevant to your disease. We highly value and encourage family involvement in the treatment process.

Contact us

    Our Address

    Dr.-Martin-Luther-King-Weg 22
    55122 Mainz 

    Tel: 0151 220 40 18 3
    Email: info@intensivelogopaedie.de